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Lake Landscape

“From the heart flow the issues of life.”

- Jesus Christ

Get the heart right, and all of life gets right!

Let's Start

Where to Begin? 

The human heart is the initiator of all human activity; it is the essence of who you are inside. When the heart is healthy you will find yourself functioning a very high level in every aspect of life. You will even develop the ability to overcome extremely difficult situations.  


When the heart is functioning properly you begin to see the difficulties we face in life as fun challenges rather than drudgery. A fruitful life is therefore dependent on establishing this disposition in one’s heart; a heart in which confidence and peace reign influence over our every action. For this type of thinking and approach to life to exist there needs to be a major paradigm shift in our hearts and minds.


At Total Life Coaching, we believe that coming to understand what God has freely given us in Christ will establish this very heart within the individual. It provides us a new way of thinking and reasoning about life that powerfully affects every aspect of our lives. Our coaching approach is designed to establish just such a heart in you. From this new perspective you will find yourself navigating this life in a functional and fruitful way.


We hope you consider joining us in this unique approach to life.

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